Note: This is the eighth post in a group series called #ArchiTalks in which Bob Borson of Life of an Architect gives a group of us architects a theme or a set of questions and we all have to post our response… this month’s theme: favorite place...
We left off 3.5 weeks ago with a laundry list of things to do at #ThisOldHouse…ironically enough to get to the point of actually having laundry capabilities in the house. Yes, right now I am at the mercy of using my parents’ machines...
Note: This is the seventh post in a group series called #ArchiTalks in which Bob Borson of Life of an Architect gives a group of us architects a theme or a set of questions and we all have to post our response… this month’s theme: crafty. Outside...
I realized last night that it’s been 4.5 months since the last official blog update on the renovation progress of #ThisOldHouse, though if you follow along on Instagram or Twitter you’ve probably been keeping up. The projects...
I look up. Seriously. All the time. I can’t remember a time in my life when I haven’t been looking up. Buildings have always intrigued me. We would travel somewhere as a family when I was young, and I would lag behind...
Note: This is the sixth post in a group series called #ArchiTalks in which Bob Borson of Life of an Architect gives a group of us architects a theme or a set of questions and we all have to post our response… this month’s theme: Architecture in...
Note: This is the fifth post in a group series called #ArchiTalks in which Bob Borson of Life of an Architect gives a group of us architects a theme or a set of questions and we all have to post our response… this month’s theme: My Favorite...
Back in the beginning of December, I was contacted by someone at American Institute of Architects (AIA) National asking if I would like to participate in the (then) upcoming Technology in Architecture Practice (TAP) Congress. I spoke with her on...
I’m reading Seth Godin’s Linchpin right now and this quote from my Pinterest board “Words on Creativity” jumped out at me. In the book, Seth talks about the cog vs the indispensable person, how we’re all able...
Note: This is the fourth post in a group series called #ArchiTalks in which Bob Borson of Life of an Architect gives a group of us architects a theme or a set of questions and we all have to post our response… this month’s theme: A Day in the...